
An preost wes on leodenlit. in land; in the land, aland; Layamon wes ihoten.
he wes Leovenathes sone; lithe him beo Drighten.
He wonede at Ernleye; at athelen are chirechen.
uppen Sevarne stathe; sel thar him thughte.
onfest Radestone; ther he bock radde.
Hit com him on mode; & on his mern thonke.
thet he wolde of Engle; tha athelen tellen.
wat heo ihoten weoren; & wonene heo comen.
tha Englene londe; erest aghten.
after than flode; the from Drightene com.
the al her aquelde; quic that he funde.
buten Noah & Shem; Japheth & Ham.
& heore four wives; the mid heom weren on arken.
Layamon gon lithen; wide yond thas leode.
& biwon tha athela boc; tha he to bisne nom